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Albania Needs Assessment Report

37 pages, doc
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Albania Needs Assessment Report


Publisher: Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO)

Date: 2013

Volume: 37 pages, pdf


Despite economic growth over the last decade, corporate and individual philanthropy is at its early stages because of limited tradition and business’ knowledge about and understanding of CSO sector. Albanian CSO sector is relatively underdeveloped. There are round 1600 registered CSOs, but roughly 450 of them are active (2011 surveys). Most of active CSOs are located in Tirana that also have local offices and are active at community level. In general, the membership base of associations is limited. This study is one of seven country revised assessments of civil society capacities conducted within the EC-funded project Technical Assistance to Civil Society (TACSO2) in IPA Countries (EuropeAid/133642/C/SER/Multi/5), implemented by SIPU International AB. An initial assessment was conducted at the beginning of TACSO project, which served as a basis for TACSO 1 activities for the period 2009-2011, with a subsequent revision for the period 2011-2013. The reasoning of the revised needs assessment is related to what is expecting by TACSO 2 to address as a priority issues related to the legal and institutional framework for the civil society including legislation, registration, consultation mechanisms and funding, working in strategic partnership programs with likeminded CSOs, strengthening collaboration between media and CSOs, etc.