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The mobilization of conservative civil society

83 pages, pdf
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 The mobilization of conservative civil society


Publisher:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Volume: 83 pages, pdf


As the domain of civil society burgeoned in the 1990s and early 2000s—a crucial component of the global spread of democracy in the developing and postcommunist worlds—many transnational and domestic actors involved in building and supporting this expanding civil society assumed that the sector was naturally animated by organizations mobilizing for progressive causes
Taken as a whole, the report asks what conservative civic activism portends for global civil society. Its aim is not primarily to pass judgment on whether conservative civil society is a good or bad thing—although the contributing authors obviously have criticisms to make. Rather, it seeks mainly to understand more fully what this trend entails. 
The report’s case studies include countries where the role of conservative civil society has become widely debated in recent years: Brazil, India, Thailand, Ukrain, Tyrkey, Georgia, Poland, Uganda and Unites States