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Potential unfulfilled/ EU funding and Cohesion policy can do more for sustainable climate and energy development in central and eastern Europe

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Potential unfulfilled/ EU funding and Cohesion policy can do more for sustainable climate and energy development in central and eastern Europe

Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network

Date: March, 2010

Volume: 28 pages, pdf


This call has become increasingly familiar. Scientists too have been warning us for decades that our unsustainable lifestyles are provoking climate change. Economists and research institutes are insisting that the cost of inaction will be higher than the cost of the investments we need to make to turn our economy green. Millions of people around the world are already experiencing what climate change means. And, in the last few years, the climate issue has finally clambered up, almost out of breath, on to the top of the European policy agenda. Yet, as this report on EU budget spending in central and eastern Europe shows, there is still a vast gap between hopes and intentions to achieve postive climate objectives and the actual use of available EU money to do so.