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Improving The Kosovo Serbian Business Comunity Involvement in Economic Activities in Kosovo

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Improving The Kosovo Serbian Business Comunity Involvement in Economic Activities in Kosovo

Publisher: Institute for Development Research (RIINVEST), Kosovo

Date: 2012

Volume: 52, pdf


This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current situation and prospects of the Kosovo Serbian business community in Kosovo. It shows that the pariticipation rate of the Serbian community in economic life in Kosovo remains very low. There is a lack of an active approach to mitigate concerns and problems of the Serbian community, to encourage them to participate in the economic system of Kosovo in general. Furthermore, not enough is being done to promote supportive policies for equal access of all citizens to government services and economic opportunities. In this respect, Riinvest Institute and the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SCO-K) identified the need for a study in order to analyze barriers, challenges and options for development on this very sensitive issue; to identify actual circumstances of the participation of the Serbian community in Kosovo’s market system; and to analyze whether or not Kosovo’s economy is discriminatory, and whether it stimulates further participation of the Serbian community in socio-economic life.