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Kosova Budget System Policies and Sustainability

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Kosova Budget System Policies and Sustainability

Publisher: Institute for Development Research (RIINVEST), Kosovo

Date: 2003

Volume: 65, pdf


Taxation Policies and the establishment of a fiscal and budget system in Kosova have been well represented within the research projects of the Riinvest Institute for Development Research during the past three years. In 2001 the Institute hosted the International Roundtable Forum on “Key Issues in Building a Taxation Policy in Kosova”, while in December 2002 it discussed a follow-up report on the developments in the taxation system in Kosova. Finally, the Institute prepared the report “Kosova Budget System-Policies and Sustainability”, which was the subject of discussion at the IRTF in June 2003. These research activities have been part of the project “Promoting Economic Development through Civil Society Phase I and II” supported by the United States Agency for International Development-USAID, Mission in Kosova.