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Gas pipelines and Regional challenges: Assessment of the Macedonian role in the SEE natural gas market

10 pages, pdf
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Gas pipelines and Regional challenges: Assessment of the Macedonian role in the SEE natural gas market


Publisher: Analytica, Macedonia

Date: July 2008

Volume: 10 pages, pdf


Within the new geopolitics of supply the Southeast European region (SEE) is receiving a new role - as crucial transit region for natural gas in Europe, guaranteeing the energy security and stability of the Union. Thus the new energy outlook of the SEE is nowadays defined by the interconnected web of pipelines transporting natural gas from the Russian, Caspian and Middle East regions to the consuming economies of Europe. As Europe is striving to create a single energy market and ensure security of energy supply, energy issues and energy dependence are pushing towards widening of the European energy market to Southeast Europe. The only way to achieve this is by regional integration and cooperation, and it is on this point where the region of Southeast Europe is receiving a key role, as the major transit corridor securing stability of the energy supply in Europe. In this respect, the following report will give an outlook of the regional market of natural gas and the network of major transit gas pipelines in Southeast Europe, with the aim of assessing the place of Macedonia in the energy map of SEE and the opportunities for connection to the strategic energy projects.