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Guide to Municipal Transparency

24 pages, pdf
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Guide to Municipal Transparency


Publisher: Emancipimi Civil Ma Ndryshe (EC MA Ndryshe), Kosovo

Date: April 2014

Volume: 24 pages, pdf


Non-governmental organization EC Ma Ndryshe has produced this document in order to introduce legal obligations and duties of local government on transparency and accountability. Additionally, this paper is intended to provide an overview of the situation in the municipalities, in terms of implementation of the obligations and duties of municipalities in the field of transparency and accountability. Transparency, citizen participation, decision making and local democracy are interrelated processes.
Therefore, this document in three chapters summarizes the legal framework in Kosovo on transparency, the state in municipalities in relation to the level of transparency and accountability, and provides a summary of the documents and international practices on transparency and accountability of municipalities. Undoubtedly, components of this paper are also the recommendations for central institutions and the municipalities in view of improving the level of democratic governance in municipalities.