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Between the Political Convenience and Equal Opportunities

244 pages, pdf
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Between the Political Convenience and Equal Opportunities

Publisher: Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI), Macedonia

Date: 2006

Volume: 244 pages, pdf


In order to prove starting assumption that political discrimination in our societies is a common practice and to find out what the roots of this practice are, we have carried out a research that has given us answers to these questions, relevant information and good basis for further activities. Moreover, research results are a powerful tool in any lobby or advocacy initiatives for further work in this field. The research has three parts. Firstly, the research has investigated the opinion of wider public using the questionnaire as a tool and it has been implemented in all countries/territories included in the project. Methodology of the research and questionnaire is the same for everyone. Certainly, representative sample is different and based on size and population of the particular country/territory. Secondly, the research has included eight eminent experts and consultants who have worked on comparative analysis of the findings and legal issues related to this topic in our countries. They have compared those findings with EU standards and legislation. Thus, the idea is not merely to present current situation in our countries than also to present the standards and legislation existing in EU related to this issue and then to see what needs to be done and what the steps are in order to harmonize our legislation with EU. Thirdly, the attitudes of the politicians and experts relating this issue have been presented in the final document of the research through interviews.