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Media Relations Manual for Civil Society Organisations

144 pages, pdf
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Media Relations Manual for Civil Society Organisations

Publisher: Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations (TACSO)

Date: 2013

Volume: 144 pages, pdf


Many organisations do great work but sell themselves short when it comes to getting their message across, so the purpose of this media manual is to provide organisations with an overview of the main communication tools. When we started working on this Manual, we wanted to write it in a simple everyday language that everyone understands. Our target group is primarily the staff, members of civil society organisations in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
Among other topics, the Manual will take you through the process of making a communication strategy, identifying stakeholders, defining messages, developing media relations and writing for the media and web. With the development of social media and open sources available on the Internet, we tried to make an overview of the communication tools available in that area. We have included numerous tips, recommendations and examples.