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Annual Financial Report of CSOs in BiH

256 pages, pdf
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Annual Financial Report of CSOs in BiH

Publisher: Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations (TACSO)

Date: 2013

Volume: 256 pages, pdf


The main goal of this survey is the promotion and strengthening of transparency and good management in the work and functioning of NGOs in BiH. It is the first survey of its kind that was undertaken within the NGO sector in our country, where BiH joined a group of countries from closer and farther surroundings where similar surveys have already been completed. The basic purpose of the publication 'Annual Financial Report of Organisations of Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina – 2011' is to present to the broad public the results of the equated survey that the Center for Civil Society Promotion (CPCD) has conducted among domestic non-government organisations (NGOs) with the basic purpose to collect relevant information on main sources, height and ways of spending of funds that NGOs have used to finance their regular statutory activities in 2011. The survey was conducted with support from the TASCO project – project of technical assistance for civil society organisations, financed by the EU within the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance programme (IPA).