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Guide Against Discrimination

34 pages, pdf
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Guide Against Discrimination

Publisher: Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM), Montenegro

Date: December 2006

Volume: 34 pages, pdf


Starting from these basic principles, a comprehensive legal regime of prohibition of discrimination, should accomplish two goals. First – to determine what is discrimination, or rather to determine what is prohibited. Second- to offer everybody affected by the discrimination, efficient legal protection mechanisms. Following on these goals, in this Guide, we presented the most important aspects of discrimination treatment, starting from antidiscrimination provisions within Montenegrin legislation, the notion of discrimination, discrimination forms, and review of typical discrimination cases. Within the Guide, we also listed the selected examples of current antidiscrimination provisions within Montenegrin legislation. The current gap in the local legal system, as a consequence of the fact that we don’t have general antidiscrimination law (as well as special antidiscrimination laws) is being poorly substituted by dispersive approach regarding discrimination- through some (justified) norms in different legal areas.