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NATO Insurance for Peace 1955-1956

3 pages, pdf
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NATO Insurance for Peace 

Volume: 3 pages, pdf


Peace can only be assured by m aintaining the strength and unity  of the democratic countries on both sides of the Atlantic. The failure by governments between the two world wars to coordinate their policies, share their resources and stand together against to talitarian threats and aggression was one of the principal causes of the 1939-1945 war, which Sir Winston Churchill has called "the unnecessary war.” The forging of unity for the maintenance of peace is the basic aim of NATO. DIVIDED the free countries of Europe would be unable to resist attack. TOGETHER and with Canada and the United States of America, we represent an overwhelming force for peace which no other block of countries could risk attacking lightly. WE HAVE THE MEN: The population of th e NATO countries in Europe and North America is over 400 million. Each m an is the heir to the freedom s won by his forebears. His determ ination to defend these freedoms is the greatest stren g th of the A tlantic Community of nations. WE HAVE THE NATURAL RESOURCES: The Atlantic Community is endowed with great natural riches. It leads the world in the production of coal, oil, steel, iron and atomic energy.