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Bankwatch Mail 20

8 pages, pdf
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 Bankwatch Mail 20

Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network

Volume: 8 pages, pdf


The Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. is the main operator of the Sakhalin-2 project, which provides the oil and gas production from two marine fi elds to the north-east of Sakhalin (Russian Far East, the island located 40 km away to the north of Japan). Holding 55 percent of Sakhalin Energy stocks, Royal/Dutch Shell plays a vital part in this project. Phase 2 of Sakhalin-2 project includes the building of two marine gas-and-oil production platform; the building of six submarine pipelines, an onshore processing complex, a ground-based 800 km oil and gas pipeline from the north to the south of the isle; the building of an oil shipping terminal and the biggest liquefi ed natural gas plant in the world with its marine terminal in the south of the isle, on shore of the Aniva bay.