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Drawing experiences from pre-accession countries Guidelines and recommendations for public participation in IPA programming

8 pages, pdf
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 Drawing experiences from pre-accession countries Guidelines and recommendations for public participation in IPA programming

Publisher: CEE Bankwatch Network

Volume: 8 pages, pdf


Effective planning of objectives and achievable targets for regional development requires the integration of all partners and stakeholders into planning and programming, taking into account their specific knowledge of the local context and so guaranteeing the results orientation of Cohesion funding, a major condition set out by the MFF. A close link to citizens is crucial for the realisation of the principle of subsidiarity within the EU, bringing EU policies closer to European citizens and thus improving the legitimacy of public spending. Only where citizens have the impression that their concerns are heard and that they are able to contribute to political decisions will EU actions find acceptance. The involvement of civil society – given that the basic level of transparency is secured – serves as an additional control mechanism on the spending of EU funds, which is of particular importance especially in CEE countries where misuse of public money is much too often on the agenda.