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Sector Policy Convergences in Technical Rules/Standards and Customs in Azerbaijan to Support EU Eastern Partnership Initiative

39 pages , pdf
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Sector Policy Convergences in Technical Rules/Standards and Customs in Azerbaijan to Support EU Eastern Partnership Initiative

Publisher: Center for Economic & Social Development, Azerbaijan

Date: 2011

Volume: 39 pages , pdf


The overall goal of this paper is to understand how Azerbaijan can converge its Trade and Customs Policy with the European Union to meet the economic integration goals set in the EU Eastern Partnership Initiative in Azerbaijan. More specifically, the paper is interested in harmonizing standardization, Technical Barriers to Trade, and customs legislation with the European Union. This goal is met by developing the following: • Policy landscape map in standardization, TBT and customs in EU and Azerbaijan • Analysis of, facilitation of, and assistance in the accession of Azerbaijan to the World Trade Organization (WTO), and promotion of overall European integration in the context of the subject areas • Policy gap analysis and regulatory needs assessment for sector policy convergences in the above areas • Relevant policy recommendations.