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After four years of campaigning: Attitudes towards abortion among the general population and gynecologists in Macedonia

29 pages, pdf
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After four years of campaigning: Attitudes towards abortion among the general population and gynecologists in Macedonia

Publisher: Health and Education Research Association – HERA, Macedonia

Date: October, 2013

Volume: 29 pages, pdf


Abortion or termination of unwanted pregnancy, being one of the most controversial issues globally, has consistently induced fierce public debates. Until recently, the debate about abortion in our public never existed with such interest attached to it, as is the case in other counties in the world, nor have there been diametrically opposed positions thereof, most likely due to the fact that since 1972 in the Republic of Macedonia the law on termination of pregnancy has been quite liberal, to guarantee the right of women to freely decide about their pregnancy, including the right of free access to abortion. However, recent changes to the legislation on abortion adopted within an accelerated procedure, without consulting the expert public and lacking public debate, have caused an avalanche of dramatic reactions in the media and the public.